Электронный журнал "Мастер-Педагог"


План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе

по теме: "Татарстан – моя Родина"


УМК: 1. Л.Ф. Иванова и др. Английский язык “Welcome to Tatarstan”

        2. Л.А. Яруллина  «Открой себе Татарстан»


Тема урока: Tatarstan, myHomeland” ("Татарстан, моя Родина").


Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изученных лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по страноведческой тематике.


Задачи урока:

Образовательные задачи:

1. Совершенствование лексических навыков по страноведческой тематике на уровне свободного высказывания в виде монологической и диалогической речи.

2. Тренировка учащихся в умении вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых ситуациях и ролевых играх.

Развивающие задачи:

1. Формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков (умение пользоваться речью: монологической, диалогической; умение слушать и слышать; умение участвовать в дискуссии)

2. Формирование и развитие учебно-организационных умений и навыков (взаимоконтроль, навыки самостоятельной работы, умение участвовать в коллективной познавательной деятельности, умение обобщать и анализировать)

Воспитательные задачи:

1. Воспитание чувства любви и уважения к своей республике и родному городу.

2. Развитие патриотических качеств личности школьника.


Оборудование: компьютер; интерактивная доска.


Оснащение урока: презентация “The Republic of Tatarstan”; тест “The government of the Republic of Tatarstan” - MS PowerPoint; тест “Tatarstan” - MS PowerPoint;  видеоматериал из диска «Kazan 1005-2013»; песня “Родной язык” на английском и татарском языках.


План урока:

I. Начало урока. (Приветствие; сообщение цели урока; речевая зарядка).

II. Центральная часть урока:

1) заполнение схемы правительства РТ;

2) чтение текста о символах Татарстана

3) аудирование текста о Казани

4) выполнение теста

5) ролевая игра «Встреча иностранного гостя»:

- приветствие с чак-чаком

-  знакомство с гостем

- рассказ о национальном празднике «Сабантуй»

III. Заключительная часть урока:

- прослушивание песни «Родная речь» на  английском и татарском языках

- оценивание деятельности учащихся на уроке, выставление отметок


Ход урока:

I. Начало урока.

(Звучит гимн Татарстана)



T: Good morning, dear guests, dear children! I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

I think everything is O.K. Are you ready to start?


Сообщение цели урока, темы.

T: Dear children! I expect our lesson to be very interesting and exciting today, because we are going to talk about our dearest and the most favorite place on the Earth. Can you guess what place it is?

P: I suppose we are going to talk about Tatarstan.

T: Right you are. Read the name of our lesson, please.

P: The name of our lesson is “Tatarstan, my Homeland.” 

(Слайд 1-“Tatarstan, my Homeland.”)

T. I want to draw your attention to the blackboard where the proverb is written “East or West-home is best”. (Слайд 2 - “East or West-home is best”) I think this proverb can be the motor of our lesson. Today at the lesson we’ll speak about our native republic- the Republic of Tatarstan. (Слайд 3- the Republic of Tatarstan)



T: Let’s revise the previous lesson. What is the official name of our republic?

P: The official name of our republic is the Republic of Tatarstan.

T: What is the population of our republic?

P: The population of our republic is about 4 million people.

T: Why do we call the Republic of Tatarstan a multinational republic?

P: We call Tatarstan a multinational republic because people of different ethnic groups live there.

T: What nations make up the Republic of Tatarstan?

P: Tatars, Russians, Chuvash’s, Bashkir’s, Belarussians, Mordva and other nations make up the Republic of Tatarstan.

T: Tatarstan is one of the largest republics in the Russian Federation, isn’t it?

P: Yes, it is.

(Слайд 4 - карта Татарстана)

T. Look at the map of Tatarstan and say where Tatarstan is located.

P: The republic of Tatarstan is located in the centre of the Russian Federation. It connects East and West, North and South of the country.

T. Which republics and regions of Russia does Tatarstan border on?

P: Tatarstan borders on the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Mari-El, Udmurtia and on the regions of Russia: Samara, Ulyanovsk, Kirov and Orenburg. Tatarstan has no borders with foreign states.

T. Who knows  how big the republic is?

P: Its area is more than 67 thousand square kilometers. It is as big as Ireland, Sri-Lanka and Lithuania. The territory of the republic is a plain. It lies in a forest and forest-steppe zone with small hills on the right bank of the Volga.


II. Центральнаячастьурока:

1) T: Tatarstan is not only one of the largest republics in Russia but it is also the most powerful one. Look at the blackboard, please. In these sentences the structure of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan is hidden. Please, read the sentences and complete them.

(Тест “The government of the Republic of Tatarstan” MS PowerPoint)

(Учащиеся поочередно читают начало появляющихся на экране предложений, заканчивают их)

T: Now read these sentences, please

P: The official name of our republic is the Republic of Tatarstan.

     The Head of our republic is the President.

     The Prime Minister is the Head of the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers.

     The official name of the Parliament of Tatarstan is Tatarstan State Council.

     The Chairman of the Tatarstan State Council is the head of the Parliament.

T: So, what political system does the Russian Federation represent according to the Constitution?

P: The Republic of Tatarstan is a presidential republic.

T: Who is the President of the Republic of Tatarstan at the moment?

P: The President of the Republic of Tatarstan is Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgaleyevich

 (Слайд 5- ПрезидентРТ)

T: Right you are.


2) T: You know that each state has its symbols. What are the official symbols of our republic?

P: The official symbols of Tatarstan are the flag, the national coat-of-arms and the anthem.

T: Read the text about the state symbols of Tatarstan.

(Слайд 5 - State symbols)

(Слайд 6 - герб; Слайд 7 - текстогербеРТ)

P: Tatarstan’s coat-of-arms represents a winged snow leopard with a round shield on his side. The background of the sun is framed in the Tatar national pattern with “Tatarstan” legend at the bottom. The coat-of-arms is designed in three national colors: green, white and red.

(Слайд 8 - флаг; Слайд 9 - текст о флаге РТ)

P: The national flag of Tatarstan is a horizontal tricolor  with  stripes of green, white and red.

(Слайд 10 - портрет Рустема Яхина; Слайд 9 - текст о гимне РТ)

T: Hereis the portrait of the famous composer Rustem Yakhin - the auther of the song about native land.

P: The national anthem was composed by a famous tatar composer Rustem Yakhin. Previously it is used to be a popular Tatar song about native land, and then in 1993 it was adopted as the national anthem.

(Слайд 10 -Казань)


3) T: What is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan?

P: The capital of Tatarstan is Kazan.

T: You know that Kazan is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the Volga region. It is rich in historical and cultural monuments. Now see the film about Kazan.

(Видеоматериализдиска «Kazan 1005-2005»)


4) T: Let’s summarize the information about Tatartstan and Kazan. Look at the blackboard and finish the sentences, using the proper words.

(Тест “Tatarstan” MS PowerPoint)



1. The state language of Tatarstan is …

a) Tatar

b) Russian

c) Tatar and Russian


2.     The official name of our republic is …

a) Tatarstan

b) the Republic of Tatarstan

c) the Tatar Autonomous Republic


3.  …. nationalities live in Tatarstan.

a) 90

b) more than 100

c) 250


4.   One of the national sports in our republic is …

a) football

b) wrestling

c) swimming


5.  The flag of Tatarstan …

a) green, white, red

b) white, green, red

c) white, blue, red


6. The population of the Republic of Tatarstan is … million people.

a) about 4

b) about 6

c) about 10


7. Tatarstan borders on …

a) the republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Mari-El, Udmurtia

b) Chuvashia, Udmurtia, Moscow, Uzbekistan

c) the republic of Bashkortostan, Mari-El, Kirov, Volgograd


8. The longest river in Tatarstan  is…

a) the Kama river

b) the Kazanka river

c) the Volga river


9. Kazan is located on the bank of …

a) the Volga river

b) the Kama river

c) the Vyatka river


10. Kazan celebrated its millennium …

a) in 2005

b) in 1990

c) in 2000


11. Kazan was founded …

a) in the 15 century

b) in the 7 century

c) in the 12 century


5) T: Well, Tatarstan is a wonderful country. It has always been a country of mystery and attraction for foreigners. Now you will have a chance to demonstrate that we are really friendly and hospitable. Today we are waiting for a foreign guest. Let’s meet our guest according to the old Tatar tradition with chak-chak- the symbol of hospitality of tatar people. One of you will be the guest. Now, you, please, come here and have a talk with other pupils.

Guest: Good morning, boys and girls! My name is Mark.

P: Good morning, Mark! We are very glad to meet you. You are welcome!

P: In Tatartstan there is a tradition to meet guests with chak-chak- traditional tatar meal. Help yourself! (Слайд 11- встречагостейсчак-чаком)

G: Thank you for chak-chak. What a remarkable tradition!

G: Now let me introduce myself. I’m from Great Britain. I am a student. I am fond of history and languages. Two years ago I began learning Tatar language and took an interest in your republic, in its history, traditions and customs, in its people. Recently I have come to Tatarstan to see it with my own eyes. I am very interested in everything here.

T: I think you are just in time. We are talking about Tatarstan today and you should join our chat.

G: Thank you. May I ask some questions then?

P: Certainly.

G: To know a country means to know its people and traditions. Tatarstan is famous for its national holiday-Sabantuy. I want to know about it.

(Слайд 12 - Сабантуй)

P: Sabantuy is the most popular festival in Tatarstan. It is a celebration of the “plough”-saban in Tatar.

P: This holiday takes place at the beginning of summer.

P: During this festival there are a lot of competitions.

P: The most exciting are the horse races. (Слайд 13-Скачки)

P: Another popular competition is the national wrestling. (Слайд 14 - Татарскаяборьба)

P: At the end they choose a winner. He is usually given a good prize. (Слайд 15 -Победительспризом)

P: There are also a lot of other funny races: pot-races (Слайд 16 - Разбиваниегоршков), “running-in-sacks” races. (Слайд 17-Бегвмешках)

P: People sing songs and dance. Everyone enjoys himself. (Слайд 18 - Люди танцуют и поют)

G: Oh, it is a very nice holiday.

T: We would like to treat you to tea as soon as our lesson is over.

G: Thank you for everything. It was very interesting to listen to you.

T: We love our republic and our native town- Kazan.

Our national tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai wrote about it. (Слайд 19 - потрет Г.Тукая); Слайд 20 – слова Г.Тукая о Казани)

P: “Oh, Kazan! Spirited Kazan! Melodious Kazan! Radiant Kazan!

Here are all solemn places and deeds of our ancestors,

Here are all the beauties and the paradise of the yearning souls!”

T: Who remembers the Tatar version of these words?

P: И Казан! Дәртле Казан! Моңлы Казан! Нурлы Казан!

Мондадыр безнең бабайлар түрләре, почмаклары,

Мондадыр дәртле күңелнең хурлары, оҗмаһлары.


III. Оценки, отметки.

T: Thank you for being industrious at the lesson. I am satisfied with your work. Each of you gets a good or an excellent mark. Now, let’s finish our lesson with our favorite song, the favorite song of  Tatars all over the world   “My native language” in English and in Tatar. (Слайд 21- Песнянаанглийскомитатарскомязыках)

Oh, my language, native language, you’re my soul and you’re my heart!
Many things I’ve learnt in this life through this language, through my blood.

И туган тел, и матур тел, әткәм- әнкнәмнең теле!

Дөньяда күп нәрсә белдем син туган тел аркылы.

T: Now the lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye. 

Автор: Якупова Лилия Римгилевна

учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Тимершикская СОШ»

 Сабинского района, с. Тимершик